To create a promotional banner, both horizontal and vertical, for a race of your choice.
This is another project I worked on in Photoshop. The instructions I was given was to create a horizontal racing promo that would be translated into a vertical banner once completed. The background had to be abstract and unique. To begin this project, we were told to take an existing racing vehicle and remove all brand elements, and to add 5 of our own logos. After that step, I started on creating a few background options for the banner. The background was created by bashing photos together and heavily editing them so they didn’t take any particular form or shape. I struggled with this part because after sending these in for review, the feedback I got was that they felt like gradient desktop backgrounds, not enough like a promo background. I needed to add more motion and angles. My favourite one was the blue one because it felt a little bit like an underwater race track. After adding more effects, textures, and the racer, I felt that it looked much more like a racing promo banner. Translating it into a vertical banner was alot harder than I expected. Since the racer was going from left to right, it was hard to keep him like that with very little space to work with. After adjusting some more, I finally got the right angle and size, and think the final product turned out great.