To create a unique logo for an apparel company
This project was really exciting for me since it was my first time creating a logo for a clothing brand. Creating logos are one of my favourite things to do in this industry. My client lived in the UK so we communicated over Zoom and email. He asked me to create a logo for his company Hamdh, which is Arabic for the word praise. He also told me that he wanted to incorporate a bird somehow. I showed him many options but it wasn't what he was looking for. When we had our 3rd meeting, he had completely changed his mind about the bird and wanted something abstract and unique. This was a little challenging for me since I had spent so much time coming up with bird ideas. However, I went back to square one and started sketching up some ideas. I started experimenting with writing Hamdh in Arabic fonts. As soon as I showed him my ideas, he was sold. He loved the last one I had done and wanted to move forward with that. The entire process took long and required a lot of back and forth but it was very fun and worth while.